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Saturday, April 2, 2011


Women in Asia are the usual target of men from Europe and the U.S as a suitable bride. 

Looking back 15-20 years ago, this was not the situation. Europeans and Americans were looked at as  predators of innocent young Asians, who only wants sex and a submissive wife who would likely do any of their bidding. Bore children, take care of the house, cooked, clean and do her wifely duties at night. Hold your breath! The table has been turned.

I can't help but noticed that family and friends of the bride looked at this men as mine of gold. When the man visits the woman in her native land, everything that is expensive are in order, hotels, classy restaurants (if there is any), all kinds of socialization that the family can think of, going places to have fun.Who pays for everything? HE IS. The poor man falls victim to this type of abuse captured by the beauty and love for the lady who seem not to care at all for his feelings. Like a puppet following every whim and caprices of his beloved.

It is not my intention to criticize my own kind but an eye opener both to foreign men and Asian families as well. I am speaking based on my experienced. I am currently engaged to a black man from California. I was amazed on how the news travels fast after our first meeting and engagement. Nine out of ten people I met are asking me when will I quit my job. Unsuspecting, I asked them why? It goes "Well, you are marrying an American so he must be rich so you don't have to work a day in your life, you made the right choice, now a days you have to be practical." I was so disgusted. So, this all about security not love? I can't help but give them a piece of my mind. I am not marrying for practicalities sake or for money either. I AM MARRYING FOR LOVE. With this being said (not very nicely though) to almost 80 percent of people I know. I started getting hateful stares, messages, emails, the list goes on and on. Ohh, my fiancé was not spared too, even high school students are trying to HIT or HATE him. 

What hurts most is discrimination of color. I can take any type of remark thrown at me for speaking my mind but NOT RACISM. I am an advocate of justice, peace, freedom and equality for all since I was 12 years old. 

What does color have to do with a person? Does it make a person less human? Does white, yellow or brown skin people live their life differently, looked more beautiful? Isn't beauty only skin deep? Are fair skinned smarter, better? Doesn't every one wants to be treated  fair and without prejudice? This world would be a better place to live if we could learn to accept people and things as it is. 

I am tired of hearing all those remarks everyday. Here is the truth behind. I have been in love with him the first time we met, it went deeper as each day passes by. He is the ONLY man who didn't talked about sex or any of that sort, very gentleman in every way. We have our ups and downs, lots of it. He is not perfect but I love everything that he is. He gained my love and respect in a hundred little ways. He loves and cares for US like nobody had. What more can I asked for? I have everything now, a Family of my own. He may not be rich with worldly possessions but we are more than rich, we have love.  Money can't buy me love or happiness. God has given me everything that I need. I will thank him everyday for this.